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Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast

Feb 25, 2021

Show Notes:

Sponsor: Stonefly Nets:

Sponsor: Anglers Coffee:

Scott Hogan, the lead man behind one of the best drift boat bottom coating companies in the business.  Scott describes how Wetlander is a super slick easy to apply...

Feb 23, 2021

Show Notes:

Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio:

I sat down with Art Lingren to discuss fly fishing British Columbia with a focus on the people that laid the path for many anglers afterward.  We talk about Art's connection to Roderick Haig Brown, Sid Glasso, Harry...

Feb 16, 2021

Show Notes:

Support our Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio:

Mike Lawson from Henrys Fork Anglers is on the podcast to break down the Green Drake hatch and fishing mayflies on the Henrys Fork.  Mike sheds some light on different bugs and some entomology to help you on...

Feb 14, 2021

Show Notes:

Stepping out of the Fly Fishing comfort zone as I indulge in promoting my other podcasting baby.  I share a great podcast episode from my other show, the Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast.

If you have a business or are interested in blogging, then this one if for you.  If you...

Feb 9, 2021

Show Notes:

Sponsor: Stonefly Nets:

Sponsor: Anglers Coffee:

Todd Scharf shares some huge tips on finding Skeena river steelhead and the gear you need to have a successful trip up north in British Columbia.  Todd runs the...